On Propelling the Sail of the Soul

“Our imagination is really the sail of the soul; and the question is, where will that sail take us if we will but let it?” — Terence McKenna

This assertive question brings to mind the saying:
“The voice is the muscle of the soul.”

So, if the voice is the soul’s muscle and the imagination is the soul’s sail, then perhaps in singing a song (and voicing your truth) you can fill that sail with a robust wind of spirit that helps propel you to your destiny.

Similarly, Michael Meade says:

In the soul’s adventure we become a self-unknown, a self-unexpected, and in that way we find the greater soul and genius self within us. Answering the call gives primacy to unknown places and foreign lands; it requires that we seek farther in the world than we would choose on our own. We enter our essential ‘creatureliness’ and learn to sniff at the world again. We learn to read the wind and find our way by sensing and intuiting, by imagining and by dreaming on. Eventually, the dream of the soul becomes the only hope; it becomes a prayer and a map as well. In allowing the journey to ‘have us’ we become lost; we lose our usual selves in order to find our original self again. Lost souls are the only ones who ever get found.

What do you think?

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